• Gilead HIV Drug Case Gets California Supreme Court Look

    Bloomberg Law
    May 2, 2024

    (Subscription required) The California Supreme Court will hear arguments in a case brought by more than 24,000 plaintiffs against the drugmaker. The claims depart from prior design defect arguments by alleging that the company’s delays in developing a new, safer HIV drug harmed them, according to a Wednesday docket filing.

  • California agrees to stop requiring police officers to disclose their gender identity

    San Francisco Chronicle
    May 2, 2024

    California's attorney general has agreed to stop requiring police in the state to disclose their own gender identity when they report traffic stops to an anti-discrimination board.

  • Opinion | State water regulators are listening to and learning how to promote conservation

    The Sacramento Bee
    May 2, 2024

    The state legislature has mandated that water conservation become “a California way of life.” This may sound simple, but converting these words into reality — with tailored local reduction targets for over 400 water agencies that deliver water to most Californians each and every year — is proving to be hard work for regulators.

  • Petition to honor Mitsuye Endo and her historic Supreme Court victory

    Fox KTVU
    May 2, 2024

    A petition is circulating to honor Mitsuye Endo, calling on the White House to award her the Presidential Medal of Freedom for sacrificing years of her life in a legal challenge against the U.S. government that led to a Supreme Court victory. Her case forced the U.S. to release American citizens and others of Japanese ancestry from the U.S. government's World War II concentration camps. December 2024 will mark the 80th anniversary of the Supreme Court decision.