Jury Service

  • Jury pay: $15/day starting with second day of service; and travel reimbursement of 34 cents per mile round trip or $12 per day if using public transit.
    • Individuals in the counties of Alameda, El Dorado, Fresno, Imperial, Monterey, San Bernardino, and Shasta are eligible for up to $100/day starting with second day of service and travel reimbursement of 67 cents per mile round trip under a new pilot program
  • Number of Californians summoned to jury service in fiscal year 2022–23: approximately 12 million*
  • Number of Californians summoned to jury service who completed service in fiscal year 2022–23: approximately 4.7 million*
  • Number of Californians who completed jury service on call or telephone standby in fiscal year 2022-23: approximately 3.7 million*
  • Number of Californians who completed jury service in person in fiscal year 2022-23: approximately 983,000*
  • Number of Californians sworn in to serve as jurors in fiscal year 2022–23: approximately 97,000*

* Numbers are based on data for fiscal year 2022–23