Feature - May 10, 2016

Feature - May 10, 2016
Feature - May 18, 2016
Feature - June 15, 2016
Feature - November 15, 2018
Feature - November 30, 2018
Feature - October 4, 2019
News Release - November 13, 2019
Feature - November 18, 2019
News Release - December 3, 2019
Feature - May 19, 2020
News Release - April 13, 2021
Three teachers, a community organizer, and a school district superintendent are among the Champions of Civics being honored with a 2021 Civic Learning Award.
This year's Civic Learning Awards were adapted to celebrate people and programs successful in engaging students in civic learning, particularly those not putting civics aside during the pandemic.
News Release - April 13, 2021
A total of 32 California schools are named this year's recipients of the Civic Learning Awards, an honor which recognizes achievements in civic engagement in the classroom. This year, the awards program put emphasis on school-based efforts that went uninterrupted despite the pandemic.