• What’s the Future of Court Reporting? (Part 1)

    Government Technology
    November 9, 2023

    As California courts struggle to hire enough court reporters, some see technology and the expanded use of electronic recordings as a key piece of the solution.

  • Letter: Building civility means tackling bias one complaint at a time

    Daily Journal
    November 9, 2023

    (Subscription required) The State Bar Board of Trustees recently approved and staff have submitted to the Supreme Court for its review several important measures to reinforce civility.

  • State Bar appeals acquittal of lawyer who tweeted shoot protesters

    Daily Journal
    November 9, 2023

    (Subscription required) State Bar prosecutors asked the agency’s appellate panel to review a judge’s dismissal of all four charges against an LA attorney who misrepresented herself and posted tweets urging that protesters should be shot during the nationwide violence that followed the 2020 murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis.

  • Pass Rate on California's July Bar Exam Dips Slightly to 51.5%

    The Recorder
    November 9, 2023

    (Subscription required) California’s slightly lower pass rate deviates from a trend of improving scores in other states this year. The year-over-year success rate in Texas rose to 71% from 67%, while 61% of July test-takers passed in Florida compared with 51% last year. New York’s rate held steady at 66%.

    Related: Daily Journal, Reuters, ABA Journal, JD Journal