• Insurance companies sue over Mono County fire

    Daily Journal
    November 20, 2023

    (Subscription required) The matter is related to multiple coordinated lawsuits against Liberty Utilities, many of which were filed in Mono County. Los Angeles Judge Kenneth R. Freeman is presiding over the coordinated proceedings.

  • Supreme Court decision suggests Court of Appeal misunderstood the Goddess of Justice

    At the Lectern
    November 20, 2023

    Today, the Supreme Court finds resentencing is in fact necessary under the 2021 legislation, which requires reduced prison terms in some cases when “psychological, physical, or childhood trauma” was “a contributing factor in the commission of the offense,” “unless the court finds that the aggravating circumstances outweigh the mitigating circumstances that imposition of the lower term would be contrary to the interests of justice.”

  • State Bar sends Supreme Court another unpopular alternative to exam

    Daily Journal
    November 20, 2023

    (Subscription required) California attorneys and lawmakers have rejected for years the State Bar’s pursuit of alternate pathways to licensure, and history seems to be repeating itself as the board of trustees sent to the Supreme Court another proposal for a pilot program that would require 700-1,000 hours of supervised legal practice instead of an exam.

  • Across California, eviction cases have returned to — or surpassed — pre-pandemic levels

    November 20, 2023

    The number of Californians facing eviction was relatively low for years during a lengthy statewide moratorium. In the year after it ended, cases soared and still remain high in large counties.