• PAGA Critics Seek Possible Legislative Alternative to November Ballot Measure

    The Recorder
    February 21, 2024

    (Subscription required) Business group backers of a November ballot initiative that would repeal California’s Private Attorneys General Act have seeded a campaign account with $15 million in hopes of leveraging legislative changes to the targeted labor law and avoiding a costly election fight in November.

  • AB 333 gang enhancements opinion filing tomorrow

    At the Lectern
    February 21, 2024

    When the court granted review in Clark in October 2022, it limited the issue to, “Can the People meet their burden of establishing a ‘pattern of criminal gang activity’ under Penal Code section 186.22 as amended by Assembly Bill No. 333 (Stats. 2021, ch. 699) by presenting evidence of individual gang members committing separate predicate offenses, or must the People provide evidence of two or more gang members working in concert with each other during each predicate offense?”

  • County sets date for involuntary treatment for ‘gravely disabled’

    The Ceres Courier
    February 21, 2024

    Starting Jan. 1, 2025, Stanislaus County will embark on a new program to begin involuntary treatment for select individuals with substance abuse and mental health issues.

  • California Court Says Control Over Work Triggers Joint Liability

    Bloomberg Law
    February 21, 2024

    (Subscription required) A California appeals court reversed and remanded a judgment over a security company worker’s firing, saying his joint employer allegations were strong enough to hold other entities potentially liable.