• Help wanted: Humboldt County court reporters

    March 3, 2024

    Humboldt County, like the rest of California, faces a court reporter shortage. The court currently employs six people to do the job over eight courtrooms, but not all work full time, meaning they have roughly 4.85 full-time equivalent court reporters. The courts are budgeted for 6.35 full-time equivalent court reporters.

  • State Bar Leaders Endorse $150 Lawyer Licensing Fee Increase for 2025

    The Recorder
    March 2, 2024

    (Subscription required) The state bar's board of trustees will also pursue a possible licensing-fee restructuring that would determine how much lawyers pay annually based on their income, job description or years of practice.

  • Gavin Newsom hits the road for Prop. 1 as support falls for his mental health measure

    March 1, 2024

    Gov. Gavin Newsom is visiting four cities to drum up support for Prop. 1, a $6.4 billion bond for mental health facilities. Opponents say the state can’t afford the plan.

    Related: GVWire

  • As Anti-PAGA Initiative Looms, New Legislation Would Expand Labor Law's Remedies

    The Recorder
    March 1, 2024

    (Subscription required) Assembly Judiciary Committee Chair Ash Kalra, D-San Jose, on Thursday unveiled AB 2288, a bill that would authorize judges to grant injunctive or declaratory relief in PAGA suits. That’s on top of the civil penalties employees can already seek on behalf of themselves, their co-workers and the state.