event - September 7, 2020
The courts will be closed for Monday to observe Labor Day

event - September 7, 2020
The courts will be closed for Monday to observe Labor Day
event - August 3, 2020
event - September 25, 2020
event - October 12, 2020
Court will be closed Monday to observe Columbus Day.
event - October 29, 2020
Provides ongoing oversight of the judicial branch program that manages renovations, facilities operations, maintenance, and real estate for trial courts throughout the state.
United States
event - November 11, 2020
Court will be closed Wednesday to observe Veterans Day.
event - November 13, 2020
Also reviewed best practices for courts to comply with the Indian Child Welfare Act and proclaimed November as Court Adoption and Permanency Month
VIA WEB CONFERENCE—The Judicial Council at its Nov. 13 meeting heard and took action on a number of reports and recommendations, including:
event - November 26, 2020
Courts will be closed Thursday and Friday to observe the Thanksgiving holiday.
event - December 7, 2020
Provides ongoing oversight of the judicial branch program that manages renovations, facilities operations, maintenance, and real estate for trial courts throughout the state.
Judicial Council
455 Golden Gate Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94102
United States
event - December 25, 2020
Courts will be closed Friday to observe the Christmas Holiday.
event - January 1, 2021
event - February 12, 2021