Courts Help Create Civics Passport for Students Visiting Sacramento
A special September 28 Constitution Day event featured the unveiling of a new Civics Passport for student visitors to Sacramento.
Created by the Justice Anthony M. Kennedy Library and Learning Center, in collaboration with the federal and state courts, attendees used the new Civics Passport Guidebook to tour the city and received a stamp in their Civics Passport at each site. During the day, they heard from California Chief Justice Tani Cantil-Sakauye and U.S. Supreme Court Justice Anthony M. Kennedy (Ret.), who stressed the importance of civic education and engagement.
High school students and teachers from throughout the state participated in the Walk the Talk Constitution Day event, including small groups from Rio Americano and NP3 high schools who visited the Third District Court of Appeal at the Stanley Mosk Library and Courthouse, a featured stop on the tour.
During the courthouse visit, Court of Appeal justices provided an educational program about Riley v. California, a case about the Fourth Amendment and whether the police can search a smartphone without a warrant. Administrative Presiding Justice Vance Raye and Justice Ron Robie then stamped the students’ and teachers’ Civic Passports with logos from both the Third District Court of Appeal and California Supreme Court.
Other stops on the Walk the Talk tour included the Robert T. Matsui Federal Courthouse, California Museum Unity Center, California State Railroad Museum, and the California State Capitol Museum.
The Chief Justice added federal judges to the Power of Democracy Steering Committee to promote collaboration between the state and federal courts on civic education. The Civics Passport is one of the first initiatives to grow out of that effort.