On August 25, Nemo, the young black Labrador Retriever, was sworn in as a courthouse dog. He is pictued with his two CASA handlers, Judge Nancy Davis and SFCASA Executive Director, Renee Espinoza.


Court Gets Dog to Help Child Witnesses

About 10 superior courts in the state have access to a facility dog to help children share their testimonies in court.
Sep 21, 2017

In late summer 2017, San Francisco County Superior Court Judge Nancy Davis “swore-in” a young black Labrador Retriever named Nemo. The dog will provide comfort and company to children coming through dependency court. The dog’s warm reception by court staff and their children was three years in the making when Judge Davis and SFCASA Executive Director Renee Espinoza began talks to form this unique partnership.

Music: "Into Toast Squares" by Mole.
Over the years, Judge Davis has sworn-in more than a hundred CASA volunteers, trained to advocate in the interest of youth living in foster care. Now, after swearing-in CASA volunteers to serve as facility dog handlers, the family court and the youth it serves will have access to a service dog rooted in San Francisco County for many years to come.
