News Release

Chief Justice Issues Statement on Emergency Response in California Courts

A statement from California Chief Justice Tani G. Cantil-Sakauye on emergency measures being taken by California courts.
Mar 13, 2020

California Chief Justice Tani G. Cantil-Sakauye today issued the following statement on emergency response measures in California courts:

"The California Supreme Court, the six Courts of Appeal, the 58 trial courts, and the Judicial Council of California are working closely with local, county, state, and federal health departments to respond to COVID-19. Each entity within the court system is relying on the guidelines recommended by local and state health departments. All courts are working to mitigate the impacts of the pandemic and adjust to the quickly changing situation.

The authority to adjust or suspend court operations rests with local court leadership, taking into account local health authority guidelines. Each court has different challenges and is working with local stakeholders to craft the best protections. Many courts are using their authority to modify practices or extend timelines, and some are appropriately requesting emergency orders from me to support their local needs.

Although the extent of the pandemic is unknown at this time, California’s courts will continue to do what they do best: balancing public safety and health while protecting liberty and due process. Court users should check with their local courts or court websites for updates on how a court is responding to the crisis.

I am grateful to all in our judicial branch and our partners for their commitment to maintain access to justice and protect the communities we serve throughout California."

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