Sacha Lewis, a Temecula doctor, adopted a 2-year-old girl during the 11th Annual Adoption Finalization Day. Photo: Riverside County Department of Public Social Services.


2019 Court Adoption and Permanency Month

For the 20th consecutive year, events throughout the state will put an emphasis on finalizing forever homes.
Nov 18, 2019
Five Things You Should Know:
  • 490,000 incidents of child abuse and neglect are reported each year in California.
  • Currently, about 60,000 children in California are living apart from their families in child welfare–supervised, out-of-home care.
  • 40% of the children in foster care in California live apart from their families for 2+ years.
  • Only 25% of foster children over 10 years old exit foster care through adoption.
  • Since Court Adoption and Permanency Month was initiated in 1999, many individual California courts have dedicated specific adoption days in November—including Adoption Fridays and Adoption Saturdays—as well as other events, to clear their backlogs of adoption cases.
Full Report and Council Resolution