Supreme Court Oral Argument
Wednesday December 04, 2024
9:00 am - 2:30 pm

Supreme Court Oral Argument

This oral argument session was held in-person at Los Angeles.

View the Oral Argument Calendar | Briefs | Webcast Recording

In accordance with Administrative Order 2023-05-11, the Supreme Court has resumed in-person oral argument sessions.  Counsel have the option to appear in person at these sessions, or remotely via video.  The public may attend in person and will also continue to have access to argument via live-streaming on the judicial branch website:

The following cases are placed upon the calendar of the Supreme Court for hearing at its courtroom in the Ronald Reagan State Office Building, 300 South Spring Street, Third Floor, North Tower, Los Angeles, California, on December 4, 2024.

WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 2024 — 9:00 A.M.

(1) Ranger (Brian) v. Alamitos Bay Yacht Club, S282264
#23-260  Ranger (Brian) v. Alamitos Bay Yacht Club, S282264.  (B315302; 95 Cal.App.5th 240; Los Angeles County Superior Court; 19STCV22806.)  Petition for review after the Court of Appeal affirmed the judgment in a civil action.  This case presents the following issue:  May a maritime worker described by 33 United States Code section 902(3)(A)–(F) within the Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act (33 U.S.C. § 901 et seq.) bring an action to recover for a workplace injury under the general maritime law or does California’s workers’ compensation scheme provide the worker’s exclusive remedy? 

(2) California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation v. Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board (Michael Ayala, Respondent), S282013
#23-246  California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation v. Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board (Michael Ayala, Respondent), S282013.  (E079076; 94 Cal.App.5th 464; Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board; ADJ1360597.)  Petition for review after the Court of Appeal annulled and remanded the decision in a Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board proceeding.  This case presents the following issue:  Should the calculation of enhanced workers’ compensation benefits for an employer’s serious and willful misconduct under Labor Code section 4553 be based on temporary disability payments available under the Labor Code? 

(3) People v. Patton (Ramon), S279670
#23-129  People v. Patton (Ramon), S279670.  (B320352; 89 Cal.App.5th 649; Los Angeles County Superior Court; TA144611.)  Petition for review after the Court of Appeal affirmed an order denying a post-judgment motion in a criminal matter.  This case presents the following issue:  Did the trial court engage in impermissible judicial factfinding by relying on the preliminary hearing transcript to deny defendant’s Penal Code section 1172.6 petition at the prima facie stage?  (See People v. Lewis (2021) 11 Cal.5th 952.) 

1:30 P.M.

(4) People v. McGhee (Timothy J.), [Automatic Appeal], S169750
This matter is an automatic appeal from a judgment of death.


Supreme Court Oral Argument

Supreme Court Oral Argument

Ronald Reagan State Office Building
300 South Spring Street, 3rd Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90013
United States

Ronald Reagan State Office Building

300 South Spring Street, 3rd Floor

Los Angeles CA 90013

United States
