Judicial Council Meeting
Thursday May 13, 2021
12:15 pm - 1:00 pm
Public Webinars: Language Access Services Available for Court Users
The Judicial Council and National Center for State Courts will host a series of free public webinars this spring to go over language access services and multilingual materials available for limited English proficient court users.
Webinar Times: 12:15 – 1:00 p.m., on March 17, April 22, and May 13
Justice partners, local/county bar associations, legal services organizations, community organizations, law libraries, and other language access stakeholders are encouraged to inform their members and clients about the webinars.
Requests for an ASL or a spoken language interpreter should be made at least seven (7) business days before each meeting and directed to: Kimberly Brooke, NCSC, at kbrooke@ncsc.org
Questions or comments on the session topics should be submitted to LAP@jud.ca.gov seven (7) business days prior to the session.
For more information and to register for the webinars: www.courts.ca.gov/languageaccess.htm
Webinars will be recorded and archived on the Language Access Toolkit: www.courts.ca.gov/42863.htm
Language Access Need
Roughly 20 percent of Californians—nearly 7 million—have some English-language limitations, making it difficult to access the courts without significant language assistance. To help address this need, the Judicial Council adopted the Strategic Plan for Language Access in the California Courts, which provides a consistent statewide approach to ensure language access for all limited-English speakers.